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Educational Philosophy  

Since we homeschool our kids and plan to continue to homeschool the littlest two through highschool, I have been researching math programs for high school. If that seems strange to you, you should know that my oldest is graduating this year from high school and hates math. I blame myself. I can do math and have had a couple of years of calculus way back in the 1980's. However, I learned that being able to factor has nothing in the world to do with being able to teach someone how to factor.

I have been looking at math programs for high school with the hopes of finding one that will teach my kids how to do math - not just arithmetic, but actual math. I realized that I cannot evaluate these programs until I am more comfortable with math myself.

I came across a plan for math for myself, and a definition of educational philosophy that make me feel like a simpleton. I am going to work on this, right after I finish up with my British Lit reading for my son and try to remember that I once knew Latin. And there is the little matter of Medieval History and working for a living.

What next?

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