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What did I do for an hour tonight?

I watched a disturbing documentary about Monsanto. Yes, we have all heard of the big, bad corporation out for profits at the expense of little people and about the "liberal", "activist" media and "bleeding hearts" that are anti-progress, and anti-profit that would still have us laboring away in a hunter-gatherer world with no technology.

Forget about that. Read for yourself the Monsanto literature. Read it carefully. Read some stuff by those organic wackos. Watch a little documentary The World According to Monsanto.

Don't forget to browse the list of GMO foods. You might be surprised.



Today I found a blog that has some bold things to say. I like it and found many things I agree with. Here is a link to her more political essays.

Funny where you find people that you can agree with.
She is libertarian. She is against high fructose corn syrup and the government subsidies that let it be in so much or our food. She is for thinking and personal responsibility and actual parenting. She even likes Douglas Adams.


Personality Type  

I am an INTJ personality type. This is pretty funny.

Reading the description I found several common phrases that are part of my personality.

"Does it work?" This is how I evaluate everything - day-to-day routines, relationships, religion, recipes, simple tasks. Everything.

"INTJs know what they know, and perhaps still more importantly, they know what they don't know." This is me. I have always been very aware that I don't have to know everything, but it is good to know what I do and don't know and where to find information on what I don't know.

" INTJs sweat the details or, at times, omit them. 'I've made up my mind, don't confuse me with the facts' could well have been said by an INTJ on a mission." Again, this is me. I figure out every little detail, then I steam ahead and often ignore the details.

There are lots more examples of my personality in the INTJ analysis. And to make sure it wasn't just one of those things where everyone will see themselves in every description, I read the other descriptions looks for "me" and they didn't fit.

Kind of funny that so much of my personality can be reduced to 4 letters. We all think we are so unique.


Baby Bath  

Take a look at this baby tub. Yes, it is worth clicking. It will question what you think of baby baths.